Saturday, December 8, 2007:
Art at McMurdo
Even in the land of ice and snow, human natures primordial need for self expression burns hot. Long winters and brief interludes from work allow time for minds to wander and creativity to flow. Below are examples of the art forms that one finds when in and around town. Take a self guided stroll through the interesting and sometimes weird art of McMurdo Station.

In the stairwell to the Crary Library

Wall in the Science Cargo Building

Boiler in the Science Cargo Building

What's under the walking Bridge?

The bridge troll of course

Crary Lab Hall

Near the Fuel Tanks

On Hut Point- Lovingly called "Roll Cage Mary"

Another Bridge Troll

At the galley entrance

In an out of the way hall is this piece with the heart and souls of McMurdoites when asked the question of "Why did you come to Antarctica?" Zoom in and read why some came.
In the stairwell to the Crary Library
Wall in the Science Cargo Building
Boiler in the Science Cargo Building
What's under the walking Bridge?
The bridge troll of course
Crary Lab Hall
Near the Fuel Tanks
On Hut Point- Lovingly called "Roll Cage Mary"

Another Bridge Troll
At the galley entrance
In an out of the way hall is this piece with the heart and souls of McMurdoites when asked the question of "Why did you come to Antarctica?" Zoom in and read why some came.