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Thursday, November 29, 2007: Because it's there...
What do you do when you come across an iceberg frozen in the sea ice? On our trip to Cape Evans Bryan and I had the opportunity to find out!


What do you do when you come across an iceberg frozen in the sea ice?

The Big Ice... its lure is irresistable.

Well, you walk up close and then you test the boundary between the sea ice and the berg with the best tools you can find. Being the wiley veteran, I sent Bryan out in front.

It was Peque's idea to let Bryan go first...

Once you know its safe to reach it, you lick it. It was an irresistable compulsion, like certain people have for chocolate. It overcame both Bryan and myself. Peque carefully watched to make sure we didn't take too much.

all you can eat!

Once you have licked it, taking the icy goodness of the frozen
continent into your own body, you just have to climb on it.
No one can resist...

It's mighty slippery to climb...

...but just fine to rest on for a spell.

Lastly, after the close relationship we had shared, I just had to hug
the big hunk of ice goodbye. I miss it even now.

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This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ANT-0619622 ( Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.